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Augmented Reality for Capstone Multimedia Abstract

Augmented Reality for Capstone Multimedia Abstract

Augmented Reality for Capstone Multimedia Abstract


This is a multimedia abstract presentation product for UA Capstone Project University of Alabama Interactive Technology program. Augmented Reality for Capstone Multimedia Abstract.

Duration approx 4 mins. A summary of the project undertaken through the above program.



The University of Alabama’s Institute for Interactive Technology offers students a chance to earn a 30-hour, online Masters of Science in Human Environmental Sciences with an area of study in Interactive Technology. 22 Research Articles over three used to produce the project about Augmented Reality.

Video used sources: Cleveland Clinic 3D Visualization and Augmented Reality for Surgery: Top 10 Medical Innovations 2017… surgery

TED A glimpse of the future through an augmented reality headset | Meron Gribetz

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Boeing – AR/VR – I/ITSEC 2017 USAToday

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Music tracks Track 1 – At The Top Track 2 – A Sweet Feeling Sourced from Camtasia TechSmith

AR Based (Augmented Reality Based logo)

AR Based logo
AR Based logo


AR logo
AR logo

Thought Quote

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”

–Farrah Gray, businessman, investor, author, and motivational speaker


Communication Note

“Staying True To Who You Are, What You Do, and Who You Serve.”

Richard Lonham

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