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Augmented Reality Teacher Instructor Content

Full Potential of Augmented Reality: A Resource

Information for Teachers, Instructors, and Corporate Content Creators

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If you are a teacher, instructor, or corporate content creator looking to incorporate augmented reality into your lessons or presentations, you’ve come to the right place. Unlock the Full Potential of Augmented Reality: A Resource for Teachers.

Furthermore, our augmented reality teacher instructor content starter is designed to provide you with all the resources and guidance you need to get started.

Instruction Worksheet

Our instruction worksheet is a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process of creating augmented reality experiences for your students or audience. Content is king.

It covers everything from choosing the right content to creating interactive elements and incorporating multimedia.

Whether you are new to augmented reality or have some experience, our worksheet will help you create engaging and educational experiences.

Cited Media Presentation

Our cited media presentation is a collection of examples and case studies that showcase augmented reality in the classroom or corporate setting.

It includes real-life examples of how augmented reality has been used to enhance learning and engagement.

Use this presentation to inspire your ideas and gain a better understanding of the potential of augmented reality.

Fun Classroom Activities

We believe that learning should be fun, and that’s why we have included a section on fun classroom activities. These activities are designed to make learning enjoyable and interactive using augmented reality.

From virtual scavenger hunts to interactive quizzes, these activities will keep your students engaged and excited about learning.

Whether you are a teacher looking to enhance your lessons, an instructor wanting to create interactive presentations, or a corporate content creator wanting to engage your audience, our augmented reality teacher instructor content starter is the perfect resource for you.

Get started today and unlock the full potential of augmented reality in your classroom or corporate setting.

Augmented Reality Teacher Instructor Content
Pixabay image credit

This is a standard worksheet with directions

What Can I Teach?

  • Make a list of up to ten subjects that you have learned over the past five years about AR. If you need to research information then start browsing through this site or other sites, or use Google Scholar to find resources.
  • An example source is titled “Augmented Reality in Education and Training” by Kangdon Lee (2012). While it is seven years old or more the information is a good starting point for new researchers. If you find a newer source, you can send a comment below.
  • The key is to pick something targeted, small, and specific. The more specific the easier to create content around the subject.
  • Go ahead and create a list.
  • Ask yourself. What is worth doing right now?
  • Take your list to plot them as dots on a grid. Prioritize your efforts.
  • High Impact vertical Top Left quadrant
  • Low Impact vertical Bottom Left quadrant
  • High Effort Horizontal Top Right quadrant.
  • Impact: How valuable is this skill or knowledge to have?
  • Effort: How much time would it take for you to create/teach this?
Augmented Reality Teacher Instructor Content
Augmented Reality Teacher Instructor Content

Why use AR in your classroom or online course?

How to use AR in your classroom?

Hardware technologies exist today in the form of smartphones, and tablets, powerful and compact enough to deliver AR.  To deliver AR teaching using visualization.

Subjects include chemistry, mathematics, biology, physics, astronomy, and other K – 12 education or higher using augmented books and guides.

Purchase or seek free or trial learning software including 3-D imagery of the subject from your resource contact or online.

What to use AR in your classroom?

Hardware, software, 3D imagery, and audio to create the environment and learning experience you want to achieve.

You should check out this page for the latest products and services we have researched or Google it yourself.

Augmented Reality Strategy in AR

A four-minute video with helpful links for teachers to use in the classroom.

In this edtech school video, I’ll show you some fun augmented reality apps you can use in your classroom.

You’ll learn how to use augmented reality as well as I will show you how the ar apps work.

AR or augmented in education is becoming more and more present, and you better realize the change AR may bring to your school, classroom or lessons.

Augmented reality apps mentioned in this video: –

HP Reveal:

CoSpaces Edu:


Shapes 3D:…

Google Expeditions:…



AR Makr:…

Of course, these AR apps are just a tool. It’s more important on how you use augmented reality in your classroom to enhance learning.

Check out this blog post for fun lesson ideas with augmented reality:… You’ll also find 2 more augmented reality tool in there.

AR Based (Augmented Reality Based logo)

AR Based logo
AR Based logo


AR logo
AR logo

Thought Quote

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”

–Farrah Gray, businessman, investor, author, and motivational speaker


Communication Note

“Staying True To Who You Are, What You Do, and Who You Serve.”

Richard Lonham

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