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Developers Facebook Spark AR Studio Posts Links

Developers Facebook Spark AR Studio

Developers Facebook Spark AR Studio Posts Links

Here are some articles and links from tech giant developers in Facebook. Developers Facebook Spark AR Studio Posts Links.

Moreover, this is a short snapshot of public articles published up until May 4, 2021 using DuckDuckGo. No hidden ads etc….

I am not a FB fan but this information maybe helpful for those who seek information to cross the divide.

My earlier comment still applies.

Looking back in reflection helps to understand the past and contemplate the future.

AR Basedg

Reflecting on a year of innovation with our developer and creator ecosystem

As a team committed to enabling growth and innovation, we feel so honored to create opportunities that drive value for global developers and creators – and the projects, businesses and ideas that matter to them.
By curating events like hackathons and developer jams, as well as providing access to technical resources and our product teams, we’re able to connect innovators with experiences that strengthen their expertise, supercharge their solutions, and offer some great perks and prizes as well.
Spark AR Studio
Augmented Reality
December 21, 2020

2020 Developer Circles Community Challenge regional winners announced

November 18, 2020

2020 Developer Circles Community Challenge regional winners announced

It’s often said that one of the best ways to learn is to become the teacher. That’s why, for this year’s Developer Circles Community Challenge, we invited developers and creators to put an innovative spin on technical education by creating tutorials that showcase the capabilities of Facebook technologies. Participants created step-by-step written…
Spark AR Studio
Augmented Reality
November 18, 2020

Celebrating our Facebook Online Hackathon winners!

September 24, 2020
Celebrating our Facebook Online Hackathon winners!
Thanks to everyone who joined our Facebook Live earlier today, where we announced the winners of our latest Facebook Online Hackathon! For those who haven’t taken part yet, we’ve been running a series of virtual hackathons throughout the year, providing global innovators with opportunities to get immersed in Facebook products and build…
Spark AR Studio
Augmented Reality
September 24, 2020

Gary Black

Masters' Degree in Science May 2018. Consulting, partnering with others through technology will help communities across the world.
“I write to discover what I know”- Flannery O’Connor

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“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”

–Farrah Gray, businessman, investor, author, and motivational speaker


Communication Note

“Staying True To Who You Are, What You Do, and Who You Serve.”

Richard Lonham

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