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News Facebook ARIA - Augmented Reality Wearables

News Facebook ARIA – Augmented Reality Wearables

News Facebook ARIA – Augmented Reality Wearables read

Here is a new article review featuring a research project News Facebook ARIA – Augmented Reality Wearables read.

News Facebook ARIA - Augmented Reality Wearables
News Facebook ARIA – Augmented Reality Wearables Image Credit Facebook

This kind of AR requires a foundational shift in computing technology from libraries and landlines to personal computers and smartphones.

These devices do not display any information but rather capture video and audio from the wearer’s point of view to follow the eye movement in engineering practice.

Moreover, the development helps the producers investigate

“safeguards, policies, and even social norms”

necessary for governance requirements. The device will not be available to the public.

Another benefit cited in the article points to building LiveMaps – the virtual 3D map to fulfill the potential of AR.

Other headlines in this article include – Privacy at the outset, when and where data gathering will take place, recording transparently, Data privacy protections, technical highlights, building a new kind of map, and Looking forward to the future.

Gary Black

Masters' Degree in Science May 2018. Consulting, partnering with others through technology will help communities across the world.
“I write to discover what I know”- Flannery O’Connor

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