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Augmented Reality AR in Higher Education

Augmented Reality AR in Higher Education

This page provides a snapshot of several themes of this technology in universities and colleges. Augmented Reality AR in Higher Education.

Augmented Reality AR in Higher Education
Five Top Augmented Reality Tech

The material has been broken down to why, how and what format in an effort to simplify the information.

Why use AR in Higher Education?

Students can improve their knowledge and skills during study focussing on complex theories or mechanisms of systems or machinery. Students can examine augmented 3D models in conjunction with a set of real components.

New AR applications and hardware devices are available.

AR applications and hardware are subject to continual review and development. View our news blog for the latest articles covering this subject.

Productivity using Interactive education.

Many researchers predict that AR will make educational environments more productive, pleasurable, and interactive for students and teachers.


Simple in the ease of presenting educational information and training experiences to evolve into a more straightforward and succinct to use.

Contextual Information

AR can improve the extent and quality of the information in educational environments by producing and delivering rich, constructive and gainful content.

Efficient and effectiveness

By providing information at the right time using 3D imagery.

How to use AR in Higher Education?

Hows include locating new free or trial software that can be downloaded to devices for student use. Again, review the news blog for the latest articles covering this subject.

Deploy as an interactive tool in the class subject with approval.

AR can be applied to books in viewing 3D rendering by moving the device or the book.

Use AR tool kits on the device and camera produces the visualization of the 3D image.

What to use?

Technology what to use is best reviewed in the news blog for the latest articles covering this subject.


Here is a resource document highlighting collaboration and autonomous learning…

“Augmented reality to promote collaborative and autonomous learning in higher education”



•Augmented reality (AR) technology facilitates collaborative work in education.
•Apps based on AR environments provide satisfaction during the learning process.
•Students declare an improvement in learning when augmented reality tools were used.
•Our tools allow learning of theoretical contents in an autonomous way.
•Our tools facilitate collaboration among students.

Augmented Reality Strategy in AR

AR Based (Augmented Reality Based logo)

AR Based logo
AR Based logo


AR logo
AR logo

Thought Quote

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”

–Farrah Gray, businessman, investor, author, and motivational speaker


Communication Note

“Staying True To Who You Are, What You Do, and Who You Serve.”

Richard Lonham

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